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In the Radio

17 year old self taught guitar player Fox Thomason, who debuted at Open Mic Classical November 2022, in an interview with WOMR host Felice Coral

(segment from March 20th, 2023 at Caffe Classicale)

FoxThomason on WOMRwith WOMR host Felice Coral
00:00 / 20:33
Linking Legacies - Black History Monthwith WOMR host Felice Coral
00:00 / 22:06

Viola player Christopher Jenkins representing Linking Legacies as part of OMC's Black History Month on February 20th, 2022, in an interview with WOMR host Felice Coral

Tibor Molnar first violinist of the Tiberius String Quartet (OMC guest feature ensemble on July 19th, 2020) talking about his Eastern European roots, and the European string quartet traditions, in an interview with WOMR radio host Felice Coral

Tiberius String Quartetwith WOMR host Felice Coral
00:00 / 20:33

Pianist / composer Michael Holt (OMC guest feature June 21st, 2020) and his interesting story on how he became a classical music composer, while having a successful pop career - with WOMR radio host Felice Coral

Composer Michael Holtwith WOMR host Felice Coral
00:00 / 21:28


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aka the mic-less open mic

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